Anita Nader Interior Design is a boutique interior design agency offering a bespoke, end-to-end service to residential and commercial clients across Sydney.
Our services are specifically tailored to the individual requirements of each client and each project. We will work closely with you, expertly bringing every detail of your vision to life and transforming your house into a beautiful family home.
Our creative, impeccably refined design solutions are delivered with care, consideration, and a nuanced eye for detail. For a home that’s uniquely yours, but also unmistakeably by ANID.
Cohesive and collaborative, our highly qualified team can seamlessly manage every aspect of your interior design project from concept to completion, lavishing attention on both the visual and spatial elements to deliver well-resolved, sophisticated spaces with timeless appeal.
Residential + commercial
New homes + renovations
Interior + exterior
Custom joinery design
‘High-calibre design celebrates the intersect between form and function … I’m able to envision how to bring a space to life, create a refined visual appeal without losing sight that it’s for a purpose, it still needs to be a practical family home’
Anita Nader is a talented and astute designer who creates interiors that are striking in their individuality – perfectly tailored to each home’s architectural elements and each client’s lifestyle; crisply articulated in her trademark refined aesthetic.
Anita’s flair and creativity are underpinned by experience, intuition, and a sound knowledge of design theory. After studying graphic design almost 20 years ago, Anita’s passion for architecture and interiors soon drew her to the housing industry, and she spent over a decade crafting award-winning interiors for Wisdom Homes before establishing Anita Nader Interior Design.
Today, Anita’s confident, decisive approach and clarity of vision have seen her become one of Sydney’s most in-demand interior designers, with referrals and repeat clientele contributing to ANID’s growing industry presence.